Introducing Our Sustainability Strategy

These pages tell the story of our commitment to sustainability and our promise to you, our customers, to protect this planet and its most precious places.
Discover MoreAs a committed tour operator, we know we need to be part of the solution and we recognise that our industry is part of the problem. Global tourism accounts for 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Travel can be carbon-intensive and detrimental to the destinations we are so eager to protect. We also believe that travel creates advocacy and a deeper awareness of the challenges we and our planet face.
Along with many other travel companies, we’ve signed up to Tourism Declares A Climate Emergency. This initiative links tourism businesses, organisations and individuals in declaring a climate emergency and taking purposeful action to reduce their carbon emissions.
These pages tell the story of our commitment to sustainability and our promise to you, our customers, to protect this planet and its most precious places.
Discover MoreAs we all know, the more carbon dioxide we put in our atmosphere, the more our climate will change. We’re committed to reducing the impact of our carbon emissions.
Discover MoreThe things we choose to buy, use and do have an impact on the environment. We’re starting by helping our customers reduce their impact.
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